Saturday, September 5, 2009

Visual Overhaul

Signature - I'm working with fellow forumgoer Chirp to make a signature. And by working with, I mean telling him what the fuck to do and then editing it in photoshop to fix his sloppy, sloppy work! In all seriousness, Chirp's work is awesome, and I'm excited as to how it will come out, and that I DON'T have to do alot of editing once he gets it back to me. =) I'm trying a new idea here. Basically, it's my current signature, re-made with my warrior in tier eight. Yes, I have left PvP for PvE as I did in TBC. However, there are two other signatures. My tauren deathknight in tier nine, as well as a tauren paladin in tier eight. The death knight replaces the phoenix with a gargoyle, and a red dragon replaces the phoenix for my paladin signature. All three signatures will be on a rotating GIF, so every five seconds they will swap. Awesome.

Avatar - Black avatar with "EP" in a cool font. Used for MMO-Champion and Twitter.

Blog Banner - The phoenix and Kael'thas logo will be replaced by something that I wish to keep a suprise. I've drawn a few sketches, and am getting to work tonight.

Twitter Wallpaper - Probably going to be something cool. Haven't gotten started on it yet, but I have a few ideas.

Until the visual overhaul arrives in Azeroth, I'm your host EpicPhoenix, bidding you farewell.

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