Friday, September 11, 2009

Obvious Seddie Is Obvious

Hello there. Yes, this post is about iCarly. If you want your heterosexuality to remain unquestioned, please close your browser now. Now. Stop, just turn it off. Press that 'X' in the corner of your screen. Do it. Okay, still here? Well, let's get started. Seddie is the supporting, or "shipping" of a romantic relationship between Sam Puckett and Freddie Benson on the TV show iCarly. Basically, they're Carly's bickering friends who OBVIOUSLY are in love. However, when the commercial for the new TV commercial, where Carly discovers that Sam and Freddie kissed once, chaos arises. The commercial focuses on the fact that Carly might be jealous of Sam, since she kissed Freddie. It made me want to kick my television. I literally took off my headphones, minimized MMO-Champion, and looked at the TV. With hatred in my eyes. It's been so over-hinted. Of course, before any hints, many predicted a Farly, or Freddie and Carly relationship. However, first there was an episode where Freddie and Sam admit they haven't had their first kiss. See above photo. Then, Sam's twin comes to town. Freddie thinks it is Sam playing a trick on him. The twin and Freddie kiss and stuff, but Sam tells Freddie that it IS a trick. And last, when Carly's old friend Melanie comes back and tries to steal Carly back from Sam, Freddie gives up a cruise to save Sam's friendship.

So, there ya go. Obvious Seddie.

By the way, I totally shipped Kataang, never Zutara in TLA. So don't hate, fools!

EDIT: Oh noes! It was totally just an episode contributing to "The trio's lasting friendship"

I want some hot iCarly make out scenes. NOW. There was NOTHING!

1 comment:

  1. Seddie is awesome! Sam is pro and Freddie is soo cool!
