Thursday, September 10, 2009

So You Got Hacked...

Reposting my guide on the blog for future linking on those "LOL ZOMG I GOT HAXXED" posts.

I know from personal experience that having your account compromised can be a very hard time for the average WoW player. I've had my account compromised twice because of some stupid decisions I made, and it was entirely my fault. Even if it's not your fault, well, you want your account back, don't you? Let's get started.

I reccomend reading the entire guide before beginning part 1. First, choose your path!

1. Removing the Virus/Hacker
2. Unable To Log In
3. BattleNet
4. Sharded
5. Prevention

1. Removing the Virus/Hacker

You don't want to do anything before the reason you were hacked is gone. I reccomend reading and using Magekid's guide for removing a keylogger, located here.

However, if you believe that for some other reason you were hacked... Such as account sharing, obviously you must change your password and keep it a SECRET this time. As much as you want that piece of gear and really need to go to sleep, your guildie who so generously offered to play your character could be your best friend, you are jeopardizing your account safety. But, more on that in the last chapter.

2. Unable To Log In?

You went to log in to WoW. You entered your information. Multiple times. And you get that feeling in your stomach. Username or password is incorrect. You know something is wrong. Your account has been comprimised. Obviously you're in alot of distraught, but where to start? First, you're going to need to log in.

If they have changed the account's email address or password, you'll need to contact or call 1-800-59-BLIZZARD

Once you have described the situation to Billing, your account will be banned. Don't worry, it's just temporary. It's so the person accessing your account can't do anymore. Then, you'll need to send certain info in a response to Billing's response. Yes, confusing.

You will need to complete the Retrieval Form, a PDF included with Billing's email reply, as well as a Valid ID.

If you're emailing your information, make sure you submit the retrieval package from the adress listed within your form. Attach each document, form and ID, seperately, and if possible, photograph your documents. If you haven't heard from Blizzard in 48 hours, you are advised to resend the email.

3. BattleNet

There's a new trend for hackers to merge your WoW account with a account in order to further prevent your access of the account. However, the above chapter describes the steps you can take if your account is merged. Simply include you would wish to un-merge your account. However, I reccomend merging your account anyhow. Not only will it become mandatory soon, but you can download Starcraft, Diablo or Warcraft games on any computer, as long as you've already bought them. It even has your CD Key for your viewing.

Blizzard reccomends calling 1 (800) 59-BLIZZARD for details on un-merging an account after compromise.

4. Sharded

You finally logged in after recovering your password. Or, you logged in and realized you were hacked without a password change. The first step to this is to email a specialist using the adress Describe your situation. See my example.

"Hello. Recently, my account was compromised and I have begun the process of recovering it. I logged in to find my [gear/gold/proffessions] missing. I would like to see if you could restore my items. Most of the items were likely deleted/sold to a vendor about [Time Estimate] ago. Thank you."

Eventually, you should get some type of response from a GM. Where you want to go to is starting your preliminary restoration. Wait. Patience.

Sometime soon, you'll get an email on your restoration and see an in-game mail. Your gear will be restored! Yay! And your money too.

5. Prevention

First, get a password that's hard to guess. Yes, I'm looking at you, Mr. "Password123". Make it something unique, like your favorite athlete's last name and a random number.
Second, don't share your account. Ever. Ever ever ever never clever. Don''t do it. It won't be worth it when everything is lost - For example, I had 4900g when I logged off. Thanks to account sharing, I logged on with no gold. Unable to restore my gold, I was forced to refarm my epic flying mount. It sucked. Hardcore.
And last, but certainly not least...

Get an Authenticator. Just do it now. It's under ten dollars to make it so that you can throw out your account name and password to the world (not advised), download all the keyloggers your little finger can click on (not advised), and your account is still completely safe.

Also, get a good antivirus system. If you're down with free stuff, AVG Anti-Virus. Get it now.


I wish you the best of luck restoring your account after a compromise. I would never wish an account compromise onto even the bitterest of trolls, as it is certainly not a very enjoyable time period. Well, with that. I bid you good day.

Guide fueled by pure boredom after doing too many Argent Tournament dailies...


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