Tuesday, September 8, 2009

School and MSPaintaclysm

MSPaintaclysm - Signature is on the way, in the final stages of creation, should be editing it by Thursday night. Till then, I've got CAPTAIN PLACEHOLDER.

School - Aggh!!! I have to wake up at 6AM, be at the bus stop at 7, and I get home at around 3 o'clock on normal days, 2 o'clock on Tuesday.

It sucks. Considering I get home at 3, do homework until 4, I have from 4-9 o'clock to play. Oh no, only five hours. Well, at least I can do dailies and a few heroic TOCs every day. Luckily I'm in a guild that raids on Friday and Saturday, my main reason for choosing them, and it's pretty cool.

Well, 1 day down, 179 days left.

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